This is a comedy about a stray bulldog, who oneday is found on the doorstep of a bakery called Stanley’s Bagels. Stanley soon discovers the bulldog’s love of eating bagels (as it’s the only thing he has to feed the stray dog at the bakery) and appropriately names him “Bagel Dog”. As you can imagine, Bagel soon becomes a permanent fixture at at the bakery by greeting customers, taste testing, showing off flirty dog behavior with various female dogs, etc. Stanely even invented a recipe for doggie bagels!
Until one day, Bagel’s real owner shows up looking to reclaim him! But Stanley refuses without proof! What is Stanley to do about this? The previous owner then shows up at the bakery with Bagel Dog’s ownership papers, so Stanley now has to turn Bagel Dog over to this vile looking man.
This causes Stanley such heartbreak…as Bagel Dog became his best friend in the whole world. But Stanley was not convinced. Something was off with the owner. So Stanley decided to do some digging into who this guy is.
Luckily… Stanley eventually finds out, after tracking down Bagel Dogs original veterinarian, that Bagel Dog was abused by this former owner, and this man also currently out on parole!
It’s a race to find Bagel Dog and bring him home to Stanley again.
Obviously, there is a happy ending!
Director : Tracy L Swanson